Partner Profiles

Profiles of the Partners, Sponsors and Ambassadors


The Wolf Society Initiative is supported by a diverse network of partners, sponsors, and ambassadors, each bringing unique expertise, resources, and influence to the table.

Our partners include leading organizations in sustainability, technology, and innovation, who are committed to driving positive environmental and social change. These partners provide critical support in areas such as research, technological infrastructure, and mentorship, ensuring that the initiative has the necessary tools to foster impactful solutions.

Additionally, our sponsors are key financial contributors (and challenge backers) who share our vision of a sustainable future. They provide the funding that enables the Initiative to scale its operations, support participating teams, and organize events like the Annual Summit, all while enhancing their own corporate social responsibility profiles.

Our ambassadors, on the other hand, are prominent figures in the fields of sustainability, entrepreneurship, and social innovation. They lend their credibility and voice to the Wolf Society Initiative, helping to amplify our message and attract global attention to the cause. These individuals are not just supporters but active participants who engage with teams, share their insights, and help bridge the gap between innovation and implementation.

Together, the partners, sponsors, and ambassadors form a powerful coalition that drives the success of the Wolf Society Initiative, ensuring that it remains at the forefront of the global sustainability movement.

  • 11 Ambassadors nominated by the challenge owners or backers
  • 11 Ambassadors nominated by Wolf Society, together with Solved
  • 11 Ambassadors selected by the Wolf Society community in polls from nominees

Partner profiles will be added continuously, once approved by both parties.