
Publicity During the Competition


To maintain the integrity and fairness of the competition, the final entries of the finalist teams within the Wolf Society Initiative will be evaluated anonymously. Therefore, finalists must ensure that their submitted documents do not contain any names or information that could easily identify, even indirectly, their team or team members. Finalists are required to refrain from disclosing the content of their entry in any manner that could compromise their anonymity.

While the finalists are permitted to test their ideas and solutions with individuals outside their competition team, they must take precautions to ensure that these ideas and solutions do not become public. This measure is crucial to preserving the confidentiality of the competition process and ensuring a level playing field for all participants.

Wolf Society will handle all communications during the challenge competition and will provide guidance to finalist teams on how to manage their communications appropriately. While Wolf Society may publish information about the participants and finalists, it will do so in a manner that safeguards their anonymity until the final evaluation is completed.

By adhering to these guidelines, the Wolf Society Initiative ensures a fair and transparent competition, allowing the best ideas to emerge based solely on their merit.