Challenge Participants

Team Composition


The solving teams will represent the main driving force of the whole initiative, as they will create the impact solutions and potential gain investment for their implementation or further business development. The applicants will be invited for the application process in Q4 2025.

- Emerging Teams (from which 11 teams per challenge will be facilitated by Wolf Society) - Established Teams (they can utilize the platform for further development of their solutions) - Entrepreneurs (companies as startups, scaleups or corporations)

Team composition

required for the creation and facilitation of the emerging teams:

  • Diverse Expertise: Each team should be composed of members with varied expertise relevant to the specific challenge. This could include scientists, engineers, designers, business strategists, environmentalists, technologists, and others.
  • Global Representation: Ensure that teams are globally representative, incorporating members from different geographical locations and cultural backgrounds to encourage a wide range of perspectives.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Teams should be interdisciplinary, combining knowledge from different fields to develop holistic solutions, mainly from design, technology and business perspective.
  • Balanced Roles: Teams should have a balance of roles, including a project manager, technical and content lead, sustainability expert, business strategist, communication specialist and designer.

Our intention is not to be exclusive, but also to open the platform for participating teams that were already established, so they can utilize the platform environment to present their impact ideas and innovative solutions. This will also provide a great opportunity to measure the impact of established teams vs. emerging teams formed within the initiative.

The platform will also provide a space for the formation of new teams based on a dialogue and matchmaking or for various types of companies (from startups to corporate players) to further develop and present their solutions via the initiative’s digital hub. This way the teams will be building and presenting their solutions, which will be included in the DeSci repository, for future ambitions of the open science ecosystem to create solution patterns based on AI.

However, as already indicated, the initiative will form 11 teams for each challenge, which will be also facilitated by initiative’s facilitators and coordinators and who will also receive systemic feedback from the qualified subject domain mentors.

The teams formed by the initiative will have the following roles composition:

  • Team Lead (1) - Person facilitating the team work and representing the team
  • Content Lead (1) - Person with strong content knowledge and experience
  • Tech Side Team Members (3) - Junior, Medior and Senior
  • Business Side Team Members (3) - Junior, Medior and Senior
  • Design Side Team Members (3) - Junior, Medior and Senior

There will be a focus on geographical, cultural, age and sectoral diversity, while the teams created within the initiative will remain gender balanced.