Process Phases

Application entries and team creation (matchmaking) criteria



Facilitate the application process and ensure diverse, multidisciplinary teams are formed. Ensure that the challenge is inclusive and open to additional teams joining after the initial formation phase.


  • Application Digital Hub (Platform): Set up an application site on the Wolf Society website and on the Wolf Society Digital Hub at (SOLVED platform) where individuals and teams can submit their interest in order to receive the approval or rejection of their applications.
  • Rolling Admissions: Allow teams to join the challenge during the initial phases, ensuring a streamlined onboarding process.
  • Introduction Sessions: Organize virtual meet-and-greet sessions where newly formed teams can connect and begin brainstorming.
  • AI-Driven Matchmaking (Future Feature): Use AI tools to match applicants based on skills, expertise, and interests to create balanced and diverse teams.

Team roles composition

The teams formed by the initiative will have the following roles composition:

  • Team Lead (1) - Person facilitating the team work and representing the team
  • Content Lead (1) - Person with strong content knowledge and experience
  • Tech Side Team Members (3) - Junior, Medior and Senior
  • Business Side Team Members (3) - Junior, Medior and Senior
  • Design Side Team Members (3) - Junior, Medior and Senior

There will be a focus on geographical, cultural, age and sectoral diversity, while the teams created within the initiative will remain gender balanced.

Team or challenge participant (solver) can include one or more technological or other types of solutions. By default, we advise you not to provide any business secrets during the application phase or share them publicly during the challenge process. If it is necessary to provide business secrets to review the solution, it will need to be clearly marked (more instructions will be available in the digital hub).