Process Phases

Evaluation and selection


After the co-creation and validation phases, the evaluation of the solutions presented by the teams will be done by an evaluation team (jury), including several international and independent industry experts and challenge partners. The constitution of the jury, including sustainability consultants, researchers and other experts in the field, will be decided when the expertise required for the evaluation is revealed; this depends on the challenge definition and potentially also depends on the solutions received. The solutions are evaluated from the following two perspectives:

1. The team (3/10 points): The strength and expertise of the team and its composition, experience of the team members and solution development. The following will be evaluated: (1) The team’s expertise relevant to the solution that the team proposes; (2) The diversity of relevant expertise represented within the team; (3) The team’s experience in developing and/or implementing such solutions; and (4) the transparency, effectiveness and team spirit during the collaboration process.

2. The proposed solution (7/10 points): the evaluation criteria presented in the challenge definition will be used. To be able to evaluate the proposals against the evaluation criteria, the teams will submit a short description of their solutions and answer the questions specified in the submission form. The questions are connected to the evaluation criteria. All the applicants will be informed about the selection by a predefined date. The selection of the winning team(s) will be done based on the information that the teams deliver in their solution profiles. However, Wolf Society reserves an opportunity to interview the short-listed teams by phone or online during the evaluation process, if necessary. The possible interviews will only be conducted if clarifying questions are needed.


Assess the solutions based on predefined criteria and select the winning teams.


  • Evaluation Criteria: Ensure the jury uses a consistent set of criteria, such as innovation, impact, scalability, feasibility, and collaboration, which are defined in the challenge statement and report, together with challenge partners.
  • Jury Deliberation: Conduct a series of virtual jury meetings to evaluate the entries, discuss their merits, and select the winners.
  • Feedback Provision: Provide detailed feedback to all teams, highlighting the strengths and areas for improvement of their solutions.