Process Phases

Events and webinars during the process


During the challenge process there will be webinars and other events, which provide you an opportunity to learn more about the initiative and respective challenges, to network with others who are interested in the initiative and to find new team members to partner with. The list of webinars and events will be updated regularly at the Wolf Society’s website and digital hub.

The whole season will be officially concluded in the form of an Annual Summit, which will invite the winning teams to pitch their ideas and solutions to challenge partners, investors, key stakeholders and public audience. The summit will also open the new season and present the new set of 11 problems, expectations for the new season and new initiative advancements.


Engage participants throughout the challenge process, providing them with ongoing support, resources, and opportunities for collaboration. The events will either focus on promoting the overall initiative or specifically on given domains and challenges. This way the teams will receive the necessary guidance and partners the expected debriefing on the progress and outcomes.


  • Challenge Announcement Event: Webinar event introducing the challenge within the specific problem domain.
  • Regular Webinars: Schedule webinars featuring industry experts, mentors, and in later seasons the previous challenge winners to share insights and advice.
  • Interactive Workshops: Organize virtual workshops focused on specific aspects of the challenge, such as ideation techniques, prototyping, and pitching.
  • Team Workshops: Facilitate the team workshops (kick-off, intermediate and final ones) with the teams selected by the Wolf Society for each challenge.
  • Community Check-ins: Host regular virtual meet-ups to keep participants engaged, allow for networking, and address any challenges teams may be facing.
  • Solutions Pitching: As defined in the challenge statement, each challenge process will be concluded by the final pitch of the shortlisted teams.
  • Winners Announcement Event: Event announcing the winners for a challenge.
  • Final Annual Summit: Awarding the winners, bringing together all key stakeholders, partners, investors, community and Wolf Society core team. The summit will also launch the next season presenting the new set of 11 problem domains.